Thomas Pesquet’s « Back to school », live from the ISS

On Saturday, October 2, 12 students from the Pierre Paul Riquet (LPRR) high school in Saint-Orens, which has earned the “Space High School” label, will communicate for around ten minutes with Thomas Pesquet, the European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut, from the Cité de l’espace. This live radio link is organized by the amateur radio association, ARISS-France within the framework of the SAFARISS project, in collaboration with the Centre Spatial Universitaire de Toulouse (CSUT), Université Paul Sabatier (UPS), Association aéronautique et astronautique de France (3AF), Académie de l’Air et de l’Espace (AAE), CNES, and the Cité de l’espace.
On Wednesday, October 6, la Cité de l’espace will host one of the main educational events of the Alpha mission on the national scale: an “Inflight call”, giving students the opportunity to talk directly with Thomas Pesquet, on video, for around 20 minutes. Organized by the CNES, in close collaboration with the Minister of Education and the CNES, this event will bring together over 200 students and will be broadcast on Twitch and to the public at the Cité de l’espace. It will raise their awareness about biodiversity, in particular through the “Blob” experiment, that Thomas Pesquet will conduct at the same time as thousands of students in France throughout October.
Read more news about the Cité de l’espace.
Photos by ©ESA NASA.