The new rector of the academy of Toulouse at the Cité de l'espace
The new Rector of the Academy of Toulouse, M. Mostafa Fourar, made his first visit to the Cité de l’espace on Monday October 12th. This occasion was an opportunity for him to meet the educational team including three seconded teachers who are engaged daily in sustaining the partnership that has existed between Semeccel and the Rector of the Academy of Toulouse since the start. A former professor, with a doctorate in mechanical engineering, Mr. Mostafa Fourar enthusiastically discovered the laboratories, workshops and experiments designed to host the 55,000 pupils who visit every year. For this science and technology enthusiast, the Cité de l’espace is “a powerful tool for teachers and pupils to actively engage with scientific culture”.
Read more news about the Cité de l'espace.