The Director General of the ESA visited the Cité de l’espace

The Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA), Josef Aschbacher, was welcomed to the Cité de l’espace on Thursday, November 23, by Jean-Claude Dardelet, president of Semeccel, Jean Baptiste Desbois, its General Director, and Christophe Chaffardon, Director of Education, Science, and Culture, for a visit to the site, which ESA has historically supported. The European Space Agency has been supporting the Cité de l’espace since its inception. Josef Aschbacher reaffirmed this support, stating, «I think this is one of the few places in the world, if not the only one, to present such a mix of different exhibitions. It’s a source of inspiration for the younger generation that comes here. I am very proud that the European Space Agency supports the Cité de l’espace; it’s very important for us to create this inspiration.» The visit concluded with an exploration of the LuneXplorer, the latest flagship of the Cité de l’espace, for which ESA is a financial and content contributor. ESA and CNES have accompanied the Cité de l’espace throughout the project to ensure the most realistic experience possible for visitors. «What I saw here is a concrete and real experience of 2G acceleration en route to the moon, taking off from our wonderful planet and landing on the moon. It’s very real.» The full interview.
©Pierre Carton