SEMECCEL expands its educational offering
The educational teams of Semeccel, supported by teachers seconded from the Academy of Toulouse, have once again enriched the educational programs available to school groups. Two year-long projects, Défi Robots martiens and Dans les pas d’Antoine de Saint Exupéry, along with a workshop associated with the exhibition, L’Aventure Antoine de Saint Exupéry, have expanded the educational programs offered by the Cité de l’espace and L’Envol des Pionniers. Designed in partnership with MGEN, le Défi Robots martiens empowers 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade pupils to try their hands at computer programming and coding within the scope of the conquest of Mars. The yearlong project, Dans les pas d’Antoine de Saint Exupéry, gives 5th and 6th year pupils the chance to discover the renowned aviator and author and to be mediators at L’Envol des Pionniers for a day. Finally, L’Aventure Antoine de Saint Exupéry is a workshop organized within the scope of the exhibition, Antoine de Saint Exupéry, un Petit Prince parmi les Hommes at L’Envol des Pionniers. Teams of 5th to 7th grade pupils will prepare a surprise for the aviator. The program features exploring objects from the period, riddles and collaborative games…
The Cité de l'espace in schools!
The Cité de l’espace is breaking new ground with off-site educational offerings! In strict compliance with current health measures, the scientific mediators of the Cité de l’espace will, for the first time, visit schools to work with school children directly in their classrooms. With the Martian robot activity, the youngest pupils (1st, 2nd and 3rd graders) will explore the Red Planet and try their hands at coding and computer programming. 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will discover, with Class-tronaute, the daily life of astronauts at the International Space Station or ISS. These in-class special collaborative, hands-on events will be run by a scientific mediator from the Cité de l’espace.
Read more news about the Cité de l'espace.