NASA and the United States Embassy at the Cité de l’espace

On Tuesday November 30th, Jean-Claude Dardelet, Vice-president of Toulouse Métropole, president of the Semeccel, and Jean Baptiste Desbois, CEO of the Semeccel, welcomed to the Cité de l’espace, Matt Koeppe, the new representative of NASA for Europe (on the left in the picture) who arrived this summer, Merry Walker, scientific attaché of the United States Embassy in France and Russel Zalizniak, US deputy consul general in Marseille. Following a meeting with local space sector actors and Club Galaxie members, the delegation visited the Cité de l’espace. This visit confirms the close links that have been forged over many years between the Cité de l’espace, the United States Consulate and the NASA representative in Europe.
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