Celebrating school kids
School children are celebrating in June at Semeccel’s two sites. After having worked all year on the project, “Imagine your middle school on Mars”, supported by mediators from the Cité de l’espace and doctoral students from l’Université Fédérale de Toulouse, 24 5th and 6th grade classes took part in the 13th Children’s Scientific Congress (ESERO approved, an ESA educational program coordinated in France by CNES and its partners) held on June 17th for the in-person event and on June 17th via video conference. At this year’s congress the children presented a model and charter of the school they had designed to their peers. At L’Envol des Pionniers, on May 13th, May 20th and June 10th, pupils from nine classes in the Toulouse Educational District took on the mediator’s role within the framework of the project, In the footsteps of Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
In May and June the Cité de l’espace and L’Envol des Pionniers also hosted several outside events focusing on school children. In particular on May 17th and May 19th, more than 500 pupils were able to discover L’Envol des Pionniers on the occasion of the event, La Semaine de l’Europe (Europe Week), in partnership with Toulouse Métropole, les Francas Occitanie and la Halle de la Machine. Then at the Cité de l’espace, 240 primary school pupils and high school students participated on May 31st in the final event of the Moon Camp Challenge (research project on the challenges of life on the moon) organized by the CNES (ESERO approved). 200 primary and secondary school students gathered on June 7th on the occasion of the Proximars educational project organized by the CNES and overseen by Planète Sciences and scientists. Six days later, 300 middle school and high school students participated in the Teknik project regional finals overseen by FACE, a global program to bring schools and companies together to imagine tomorrow’s innovations. Finally on June 21st, nearly 150 pupils aged 7 to 12 participated in the closing event of Mission X, an educational project run by the CNES about the training and daily life of astronauts on the ISS.