A new phase for the Laté28 project

On Thursday, April 4th, L’Envol des Pionniers received an exceptional delivery. The first parts for the Laté28 project were delivered to a former Air France engine warehouse where they will be assembled. Launched in 2021, the Laté28 project aims to reconstruct a life-sized non-flying version of the legendary Laté28, considered by many people to be one of the first modern airlines. Fifteen high schools in the Academy of Toulouse are taking part in this unprecedented educational initiative developed by the Laté28 Association on behalf of Toulouse Métropole and Semeccel, in collaboration with Le Cercle des Machines Volantes and with support from 3DÉCO, the Latécoère Foundation, the company, Prodigima, the Toulouse Town Hall and Courcelle.
Sent by the Cercle des Machines Volantes, this first delivery made by students in the transportation section at the Toulouse high school, Joseph Gallieni, included aluminium stringers and sheet metal needed to assemble the fuselage. Prior to this delivery, the floor of the assembly warehouse was renovated by students in the building section of the Urbain Vitry high school.
By June, parts which are also for the fuselage will be ready for delivery from high schools in Tarbes, Decazeville, Colomiers, and Blagnac. Covering tarps for the workshop, designed by the Stéphane Hessel high school in Toulouse, on the theme of Latécoère and Laté28, are also expected. High schools specialized in wood working will provide the trestles for the workshop along with the wing ribs sometime between the end of June and the fall.
These initial deliveries are making the reconstruction of the Laté28 increasingly tangible by 2026.