2023 launch day for Semeccel
Published on28.02.2023

Traditional kick-off of the season, on January 26th the Semeccel-the Cité de l’espace and L’Envol des Pionniers brought together its 140 employees for its in-house launch day for 2023. In an atmosphere at once hard-working and relaxed, the event included the 2022 review (see the 25th anniversary videos here and here), 2023 opportunities, New Year’s wishes presented by the President Jean-Claude Dardelet and festive fun such as the traditional CSE galette. It was an opportunity to focus on the major challenges of the year ahead with the opening of LuneXplorer, its impact on the organization and processes, but also the CSR project kick-off.
A participative musical experience ended the day on a joyful, collective note (video here).
©Manuel Huyn